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Article on Arendts Reception of Rahel Varnhagen

In a new anthology on Rahel Levin Varnhagen published by De Gruyter, Friederike Wein discusses Arendt's approach to Varnhagen, concepts of fate and (failed) attempts at assimilation. 

News from Sep 09, 2024

Under the title “‘Unausstehlich’ und ‘liebenswert’. Zu Hannah Arendts Umgang mit den Quellen ihres Rahel Varnhagen-Portraits”, Wein examines Arendt's use of documents on Varnhagen in her life story; she reads the text as a presentation of unknown material and the uncovering of new facets of Varnhagen and at the same time as Arendt's commentary on contemporary history.

Anne-Dorothea Ludwig's and Hannah Lotte Lund's anthology “Rahel Levin Varnhagen. Reception - Projection - Imagination” Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter 2024) focuses on Varnhagen's reception since the 19th century.

Dr. Friederike Wein is a research associate of the Critical Edition and co-editor of “Kleine Schriften I”.

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  • Europäisch-jüdische Studien
  • Friederike Wein
  • Rahel Varnhagen
  • Rezeptionsforschung